Tuesday, September 25, 2012

From Mar. 5, 2012: Liken Scriptures to Ourselves; Stanley; Ghana Bread;

Tuesday we were told that Elder Cooley and I were to stay together for
another transfer where I will complete his training. Elder Cooley also
hit his second month mark as well as time is flying! With Wednesday
Elder Cooley and I went to the ward's institute where I wrote down a
few things that I liked. One thing I liked was how I came to a more
complete understanding on how to achieve goals and such.  I need to liken
all scriptures for myself. They don't do any good if I just read them
and then not internalize them. I also learned how the spirit won't
prompt our investigators for baptism if we are not living worthy to
teach with the spirit.
 Thursday was the first day of March!
 Friday Elder Cooley and I went for a training where we were
instructed to use the Book of Mormon more effectively. Elder Cooley and
I have been much better at using the Book of Mormon in our teaching
and it is clearly helping. We are working for three persons to be
baptized by the end of the month and just like last, we are going to
have to utilize the Book of Mormon and utilize our faith to accomplish
this goal. We were able to have all our lessons have members present, and
it is one factor for success here.
  Saturday we had our highest quality lesson of the week with a man
named Stanley. When we went to his house we walked to teach him with a
member, but as it didn't work we introduced him to her and then taught
him under a tree. Trees are great places here; the people use a good
tree to socialize and relax under where it always seems like there is a
breeze too. For the lesson Stanley had many quality questions like how
he can know he is under the influence of the Holy Spirit with a
prompting and not Satan. For all of the questions we were able to
answer them with the Book of Mormon and we could feel the spirit
strongly in the lesson. Later in the day Elder Cooley and I found this
crazy short cut to a newly baptized family. We rode by this huge
Muslim university. I'm enjoying finding new areas and roads to travel
on with Elder Cooley. It makes things fun. I also wanted to also
include another cultural thing from Ghana; this time being the bread.
All of the bread is fantastic. It's all produced how our home-made
bread is. It's great.
 Sunday we were able to get Stanley to church where we found out that
one of the adults in the ward also plays on the football team that he
coaches. We were also able to have two part member families come to
church and a guy named Michael that is related to a member in the
ward. With Michael he has several family members who attend the church
and decided to visit one Sunday when he was late for the church he was
attending. He loves it and we are working for him to be baptized this
month. Michael used to be in the Ghana Army. He currently works for the
National Security Service and literally takes up an entire doorway
with his head at the top and his shoulders just shy of taking up the
whole width.

From Sept. 24, 2012:The Best Week With Elder Bladen; Crazy to Think My Time as a Missionary in Ghana is Over; Priceless Time for Me and My Salvation; Can't Find Words

This past week was the best Elder Bladen and I had together. I felt
that we had the mindset to hit the ground running hard. We didn't have
any issues that kept us inside and generally the days this week were
all the same which basically followed this pattern: we wake up and
feel more tired than we were when we went to bed, went out and were
able to see many of our inviestigators and if we weren't, we were
working to find new investigators while dealing with the ridiculously
blazing heat which was only comforted by the wind from the sea. When I
came to Ghana it was really hot every day with the heaven sent wind
and I'm grateful I won't be here for that. I can say that I am saddened
that I have to leave these people that I have developed true
friendships with. I have made a lot of choices as a missionary, most
good, but some not the best, however I can say that I have always
tried to be imporving on myself and I am grateful for the growth I
have seen in my life.
 Through the week we were blessed to have the members offer their
assistance to us and the most noteworthy member present lesson was
with the bishop's younger sister who went with us to an investigator
nearby and translated the lesson so our investigator, Sisi, was fully
able to understand. While Sisi has dificulty expressing herself, she
understood okay with us, but with Sister Lucy there, it helped us really convey
the message and I reflected on my relationship with the members and what
I have done here in Nugua 2. The bishop said he had never worked
closley with missionaries until Elder Bladen and I, and that was a
wonderful compliment at least showing me that from when we came into
the ward, they have developed trust in us and I feel that I have been
able to lay a solid foundation with Elder Bladen. The bishop's family
also invited us over on Sunday and I was touched with hearing their
expressions of gratitude.
It's crazy to think that my time is over here as a missionary and it
has been priceless for me and my salvation. Aside from this we were
able to have god continue to bless us by bringing four investigators
to church and I'm hopeful for this area when Elder Bladen's new
companion comes. It has been a real blessing to serve with Elder
Bladen, while we didn't really have "number" success, I can say that we
have been able to have much success and I feel that I have developed
Christ's attributes the most this past six weeks.
 I wish that I could have more to say, but I can't put into words
all of my feelings and everything has already been said.

From Sept. 17, 2012: Mission Tour With Elder Dickson, Africa West Area President; The People Are Great - I Will Miss Them

Well these past two weeks haven't been great for progress in the area due to sickness and body issues, but I can't believe that my time is over. The mission doctor looked at my leg and he concluded that it's just a bone bruise and the are no issues, but as it is bruised, it will take at least 6 weeks to heal. My knees had inflamed and he said that this was due to how my body shifted it's weight to deal with the injury, but it's not bad now. He said I should get them checked out. 

I'm excited to see how life is. The top of the list is for me to get fit, find a job, and support the family at their events. 

For this week Elder Bladen's back had been acting up and my legs were flaring up, but it is okay now. On Thursday we had our mission tour with Elder Dickson, who is also our Africa West area president. I felt invigorated and it was my last mission meeting.
  Saturday Elder Bladen developed some complications to eating some bad food like vomiting, fever, headache, chills, runny tummy, and upset stomach while I only developed headaches, body aches, and having my stomach run. We also had the baptism of Jason Allotey (9). Apparently he was never recorded as being baptised so we did that with the family present. 
  Sunday we were able to have a person we met a few days before come to church. Aside from that we had three Nigerians come; one with a friend, and two came separately by themselves. I also went on a split with Elder Littlefield to church and covered both services as Elder Bladen was still sick and stayed with Elder Indrya. There are two returned missionaries that came home two weeks ago and it has been fun to talk to them. The people are great here and I will miss them.

From Sept. 10, 2012: Blessed to Serve with Elder Bladen; Sprained Shin

On Monday Elder Bladen and I went into Accra to the art center before I go home. It was the first time Elder Bladen had been and he enjoyed it. The last time I was there was just under a year and a half. 
  On Tuesday the APs and zone leaders came to our district meeting and it was to help our district improve its current low performance. Elder Bladen's back had acted up frequently which hindered us, but other than that we did fine. After our meeting we had a great day meeting our investigators, Jonathan, Awudu, and Frances. Awudu was able to read many various segments of the Book of Mormon and after trying several times, we were able to meet Frances and he had read the first 10 chapters in the book. 
  Wednesday we contacted a bit and extended several dates. I have recently been thinking a lot about how I am blessed to be able to serve with Elder Bladen before I go home. He is a real friend. I feel that I had overlooked this blessing while serving in a difficult area. 
  Thursday Elder Bladen's back started to act up and we called it a day after the first lesson. I was able to study a while and at the end of the day we went to a program at the church supporting the youth to serve missions. 
  Friday we went to get my leg checked out at a medical center. My shin has been giving me issues from two Mondays ago after a sports activity for the zone. Basically I was told that I have a sprain and I have to rest my leg by staying inside keeping it elevated. As a result Elder Bladen and I were only able to go out Monday-Wednesday with a lesson on Thursday. We were able to have decent numbers at the end of the week in relation to what happened this week. It was a shame though because Elder Bladen and I were working hard during the week and we were hoping for a good end of the week.  That's basically it.

From Sept. 3, 2012: Power Went Out, All Is Well

All is well. We had lights out so I'm just writing this to let you know
that I'm okay. 

From August 27, 2012: 23 Months!; Becoming More Steadfast

This week we have been working to improve ourselves and the area. While
we are working hard and being obedient, we have not had much success
for several weeks and I wonder if I'm missing some magic answer as I
feel that if I was doing that "one thing", things would be a lot
better. Elder Bladen's back issues do interfere, but I can't blame on
that at all.
 We have taught a few good people this week. Jonathan was very
receptive this week and we reviewed what he had read of the plan of
salvation. He is well versed in scripture and we gave all of our
teaching from that. This week has been good with being able to see the
growth I have with the knowledge of my scriptures which is really
nice. KB (Akos) was also able to meet with us. She is smart, and like
Jonathan, wants to know the truth. We also happened to teach some senior
Jehovah's Witnesses (they live in a church sponsored mission home).
Elder Bladen and I were able to keep the lesson under control by
answering from the Book of Mormon and base this knowledge from reading
and praying. The spirit helped us answer their questions and it
 Friday I hit 23 months and I feel that this past few weeks I have
made a lot of growth in becoming more steadfast against temptation so
I don't backslide on the progress I have made. I think that this can
be credited with reading numerous church magazines when Elder Bladen's
back is acting up. I have more seriously taken the church leaders
as my role models and I feel that this gives me strength as I strive
to emulate their desires and actions. While things aren't carefree
with the area and it's success, I feel I know that I'm not slacking off
and while I know the missionaries directly around me can see this, I
hope that others around me are able to see me as an example.
 Saturday Elder Bladen and I had the baptism and confirmation of
Dickson Osabutay which was preformed by his father who is recently
coming out of less activity; we hope that this will strengthen the
father in addition with his new calling as a young men presidency
 Sunday there was a party directly outside our house for a woman who
graduated from her hairdressing class. The music was started around 3
and the several concert size speakers didn't stop until 10:45 pm- it
was a great cultural experience sitting inside hearing the house

From August 20, 2012: All Africa Service Project, Cleaning Out the Open Gutter; Three Nigerian Sailors Come to Church; Dinner at a Parliament Member's Home; Working Hard But Not Seeing Results We Want

On Monday the district went to a fancy art gallery in a place close by
called La. it was basically all sorts of art that was for sale, but
as it was free to enter it was fun to look around and feel
sophisticated.  The vast majority of things there cost over 1000GH and
reached to around 16,000GH. On Tuesday we were told that Elder Hurley
would leave to a place called Momponse and an Elder Littlefield from
Standsberry Park, Utah, he will hit his year mark this month. I also
picked up some sandals that are made from car tire; they are a lot of
 Wednesday Elder Bladen wasn't feeling well so we spent the day in
the apartment, but all is well. Thursday we spent a lot of time
contacting and we came across a Muslim man and his family (their
house). The man was friendly and had done all of his university
studies in the states and it was an enjoyable lesson for me as we
expressed different religious views.
Friday we spent the majority of the day contacting and were only able
to teach one lesson from a man named Jonathan. Jonathan is 25 and has
heard all of the negative things about the church and wanted to know
what our say was. We feel that there is potential. Jonathan is willing
to learn for himself and read what we leave him.
 Saturday was the All Africa Service Project where the church
throughout Africa preforms a day of community service. For the Nungua
and Baatsona wards, we cleaned the gutters and entrance to a market in
the area. I took the opportunity to get some rubber boots and getting in
the open gutter clearing it out with a few others. It was a lot of
 Sunday we were blessed to have three Nigerians here for a university
course that felt to walk into the church on Sunday, teaching them as
well. They are sailors which makes them sound really cool. They will
be here for a month and apparently the church is well established in
their home area. We also went to eat at a members house that is a
current member of parliament it was a nice place. For this week we
mostly found and we feel that our results are not corresponding to our
efforts. Oh well, we are doing our best. I hope others can see that
too and not assume we are not doing well because I'm going home soon
and they think I may be getting lazy.